Kybella Injections

A Non-Surgical Way to Get Rid of Chin Fat

Photos courtesy of Kybella

Whether you’ve had it your whole life or it just suddenly seemed to appear overnight, a double chin can be very frustrating. It can make you look—and feel—older and heavier than you really are. Yet it can seem like there’s very little you can do about it. After all, we all know that there’s no specific diet or exercise specifically designed to target excess facial fat.
In medical terms, a double chin is known as submental fullness. It is the result of excess fatty tissue that accumulates around the neck, chin, jawline, and jowls. For some people, the development of a double chin may be the result of weight gain. For many people, however, it’s a natural part of the aging process or simply the result of genetics.
The good news is that you don’t need a surgical facelift to minimize the appearance of your double chin.

A non-surgical, injectable treatment called Kybella is specifically designed to reduce the fatty tissue around your chin and jowls creating the appearance of a double chin. This treatment is safe and FDA-approved. And it has been shown to be highly effective in helping to restore a shapely and youthful appearance.

Does Kybella Really Work?

It might sound too good to be true, but Kybella really does work.
This unique injectable treatment is composed of a naturally occurring molecule called deoxycholic acid.

Deoxycholic acid is the body’s natural defense against excess fat. Its purpose is to break down and reabsorb dietary fat.
Although Kybella is a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, it works exactly the same way. When injected into fat cells, it breaks down the cell membranes. Without membranes holding it together, the fat cell painlessly bursts and is reabsorbed by the body. And once a fat cell is gone, it can no longer accumulate or store excess fat. The result is a noticeable reduction in the appearance of fullness underneath the chin and around the jawline.


Kybella injections must be performed by a healthcare specialist, preferably a Board-certified plastic surgeon, who has undergone specific and rigorous training in Kybella injectable treatments. It is a non-surgical treatment and does not involve any significant downtime or recovery time.

Your Kybella treatment, including how many injections you receive in one visit and how many visits you need to complete your treatment, will depend on your current appearance and your aesthetic goals.

Kybella is generally administered as several small injections into the fat cells under the chin. The entire process usually takes about 15-20 minutes.

Most patients will require between two and six treatment sessions, always spaced at least one month apart.
As with any cosmetic procedure, it is important to recognize that Kybella may not be appropriate for every patient and to have realistic expectations about the potential outcome. Yes, Kybella can reduce the appearance of fullness under the chin and around the jawline, but it’s not going to erase those laugh lines or make you look 20 years younger.

Kybella is generally safe and well-tolerated but it can have some side effects such as bruising, swelling, or numbness underneath the chin. Should you notice weakness in your facial muscles, an uneven smile, difficulty swallowing, or serious issues such as hair loss, open sores (ulcers), or noticeable cell death (necrosis) at the injection site, contact your healthcare provider immediately.

Kybella Injections for Double Chin Reduction

A double chin can be troubling, whether you’ve always been bothered by it or it just suddenly seemed to appear. The good news is that you don’t have to live with submental fullness. If you want to learn more about whether Kybella, the injectable treatment for double chin reduction, might be right for you, call your Board-certified plastic surgeon today.


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